The large variety of cargoes we carry - everything from ice cream to chicken, from apples to flower bulbs, from vegetable to fish - all require different specialist refrigerated care. We understand how important it is that each cargo is carried exactly according to its requirements. Advance technical expertise; well maintained specialised equipment; and constant support from our trained personnel worldwide, ensure that you and your cargoes get the best service available. LONGLORY's principal objective is to transport your cargo with efficiency and care, ensuring on arrival at the final destination that your cargo is in optimal condition for your future customer. CTNR 柜子 CY/CY 整柜交货(起点/终点) D/A 承兑交单 D/O 到港通知 D/P 付款交单 DAF 边境交货 DDC 目的港码头费 DDP 完税后交货 DDU 未完税交货 DEQ 目的港码头交货 DES 目的港船上交货 Doc# 文件号码 EPS 设备位置附加费 Ex 工厂交货 F/F 货运代理 FAF 燃料附加费 FAK 各种货品 FAS 装运港船边交货 FCA 货交承运人以国际集装箱海运代理业务为重心,经过多年的发展,在服务全球,培育优势航线理念的引导下,依托传统海运干线优势,公司重点发展北美和南美西市场,在中国至墨西哥航线上尤为突出,与各大船公司和海外代理的合作,提供全面及高质的“港到港”“门到门”的海运服务,形成了整柜、散货拼箱、特种柜运输、危险品运输、大件运输、空运、仓储、报关等一条龙服务,在墨西哥货运市场上占具重要地位,享有极佳口碑。
目前公司合作的船东主要有:COSCO、HPL、EMC、MSC、ONE等。海运整柜拼箱:为客户提供部分2类,3类,4.1类,6.1类,8类,9类的危险品海运拼箱,国外DDU、DDP等服务。 上海力胜致力于为客户提供实惠,经济、安全的化工物流运输方案。。 [1] 服务项目 : 危险品海运整柜 危险品海运拼箱 化工品国际快递 ISO TANK 化工品进口